Friday, August 18, 2017

Wheels of Justice

The Redwood Series, Volume 2
Vickie Phelps

Genre: Christian Romantic Suspense
Date of Publication: July 18, 2017
Number of Pages: 324
Scroll down for Giveaway!

When Connie Knight applies for a job at McKinney’s Fine Cars in her hometown of Redwood, Texas, she has no idea what she’s getting into. Buford McKinney is a mean, evil bully who thinks women are the ground God made for men to walk on. The only reason she stays at McKinney’s is the fear of being without a paycheck and ending up homeless. And then there’s Rick McKinney, Buford’s son. In spite of his daddy’s contempt for Connie, Rick is attracted to her and Connie to him. But will their feelings for each other be enough to keep Connie safe? Just how far will Buford go to get rid of her?
"Great book, read it through in one sitting since I couldn’t put it down.  Very real, strong characters, and satisfying ending. An easy book to recommend." – Terry Burns, author of The Badge and the Bible series and The Sheriff.


VOLUME ONE IN THE REDWOOD SERIES: Postmark from the Past  
In November 1989, Emily Patterson is enjoying a quiet life in West Texas. She lives in the same house she grew up in, has a great job, and good friends. But emptiness nips at her heart. Then a red envelope appears in her mailbox. It’s a letter from Mark who declares his love for her, and promises to come to her if he makes it home alive. But who is Mark? She flips the envelope over, but there is no return address and it is postmarked 1968. Over the next few days more letters mysteriously appear in her mailbox and odd things start happening. Is someone playing a cruel joke? Her friends say it is the season for miracles. As Emily seeks to solve the mystery, can she risk her heart to find a miracle in the Postmark from the Past?


Vickie Phelps writes to encourage, inspire, and influence. She has published 200 articles, devotionals, and essays in more than fifty magazines and contributed to several anthologies. Vickie is the author of the novels, Postmark From the Past, Moved, Left No Address, Waiting for Joy, and a devotional book, Psalms for the Common Man. Vickie is coauthor with Jo Huddleston of the gift book, Simply Christmas, and Writing 101: A Handbook of Tips & Encouragement for Writers. 
--------------------------------------- GIVEAWAY!  GIVEAWAY!  GIVEAWAY!  GIVEAWAY

THREE WINNERS: 1st: Signed copy of Wheels of Justice; 2nd: eBook of Postcard from the Past; 3rd: eBook of Wheels of Justice (US ONLY) AUGUST 16-23, 2017


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